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Building a Resource Toolkit - Free, Cheap & Easy

  • Tuesday, August 06, 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom
  • 29


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 ISPI SoCal Presents

Building a Resource Toolkit - Free, Cheap, & Easy

Jennifer Buckley

In a world where Talent Development, L&D, and Performance Improvement professionals are increasingly working remotely and in isolation, how can you stay up to date on the tools you need to get your job done?  Where do you find ideas?  Where do you go for inspiration?  Jennifer Buckley has ideas to share with you!

    Session Description

    Every Talent Development, L&D, and Performance Improvement professional needs a toolkit of go-to resources that are free, cheap, and/or easy to use. This review of what's available, with participant input, will enable pros to take a few shortcuts to make their work a little bit easier. From graphics, text, fonts, and design to productivity, research, and video, a (somewhat) comprehensive list and review of what tools and websites are available, will engage and enable anyone working in this space.

    About the Speaker

    Jennifer Buckley is an independent technical writer and instructor, instructional designer, and learning project manager with 25+ years of experience in technical and structured writing, technical facilitation, instructional design, and business software applications.

    Jennifer is currently using her experience to successfully collaborate with companies in assessing, creating, or updating their learning catalogs; creating or updating standard operating procedures; capturing institutional knowledge; selecting, testing, and/or implementing LMS solutions; and converting learning from ILT to VILT, to blended learning options, and sometimes from eLearning to ILT or VILT.

    While working towards being a true digital nomad, Jennifer works both synchronously and asynchronously, always looking for the challenge of applying her existing skills and experiences to new problems and learning projects. She currently holds dual citizenship with Ireland and the USA.

    #PerformanceImprovement #L&DandInstructionalDesign #ISPISoCal

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