Patty Beach, author of The Art of Alignment A Practical Guide to Inclusive Leadership
In this ISPI SoCal Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion interview, Patty Beach will discuss a practical approach to including more stakeholders in organizational planning and decision making.
Session Description:
"If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together"—African proverb. We all know that diversity enhances the quality of business decisions; however, the reality is, it also increases the complexity of decision making.
About the Author:
Patty Beach, is the author of The Art of Alignment: A Practical Guide for Inclusive Leadership and the Versatility Factor Profile, an assessment for gender intelligence and inclusive leadership. As the founder of LeadershipSmarts, she is known as an inclusive leadership evangelist who combines leadership best practices and coaching to transform managers into the best boss ever and executives into inspirational role models that can scale and grow the company.
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