ISPI SoCal Presents: Dr. Angela Clark Louque
Connecting Performance Improvement to Diversity Series

Dr. Angela Clark Louque, Lead Author of Equity Partnerships: A Culturally Proficient Guide to Family, School, and Community Engagement

In this ISPI SoCal Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion interview, Dr. Angela Clark Louque will guide participants through the equitable and foundational tenets of Cultural Proficiency Leadership and Equity.
Session Description:
Without a doubt, leadership is desperately needed during this pandemic. Institutions - educational and organizational- are struggling to survive and looking for leadership to guide them through this phenomenon. Culturally Proficient Leadership is needed in K-12 schools, higher education, professional businesses, and organizations across the country in order to build diverse teams that are aware of implicit bias, anti-racist, and equity-focused. Using the "inside-out" approach, Culturally Proficient Leaders can guide teams through the emerging need to respond effectively and proficiently to those who differ from them. The Culturally Proficient Model allows leaders to examine individual beliefs and behaviors, as well as the policies and practices at the organizational levels that enables effective cross-cultural interactions among employees, clients, and community. Culturally Proficient Leaders continue to acknowledge barriers and inequities, value diversity, manage the dynamics of difference, adapt to diversity, and shift towards institutionalizing cultural knowledge. This model is vital to the success of progressing towards equity-minded institutions, with Culturally Proficient Leadership guiding the way.
- Provide foundational tenets of the Cultural Proficiency Model: Barriers to Cultural Proficiency, the Cultural Proficiency Continuum, The Principles of Cultural Proficiency, and the Essential Elements of Cultural Proficiency.
- Examine where participants as individuals are on the six-point Cultural Proficiency Continuum.
- Guide participants in examining racial and cultural issues by identifying possible institutional barriers.
- Learn about how to lead through a pandemic using the "inside-out approach" to leadership.

About the Author:
Dr. Angela Clark-Louque is Professor and past Department Chair of Educational Leadership and Technology at California State University, San Bernardino. She co-authored the newly published book (2019), Equity Partnerships, A culturally Proficient Guide to Family, School, and Community Engagement. In her career, she has served as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Director of Graduate Studies, Department Chair of Doctoral Studies, Director of Educational Administration, and Director of Teacher Education. Her leadership has focused on urban educational leadership, developing organizational and community engagement capacity, and building a culture of equity. Prior to these roles, she served as a CalWorks and EOPS counselor and mathematics faculty at the community college level, and as an administrator and mathematics, social sciences, and band instructor at the high school level.
Dr. Clark-Louque earned her Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Pepperdine University, a Master of Arts in Counseling from Loyola Marymount University (LMU) and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
She is a recipient of the Transformational Leadership Consortium Award, Outstanding Faculty in Research and Scholarly Activities, Outstanding Faculty in Instructionally-Related Activities, and is a graduate of the Thomas Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership, a national network of African American Community College CEOs. She has served as the Committee Chair of Political Activism for the NAACP and served on the Los Angeles Committee of Honor for the Freedom’s Sisters exhibit and tour at the Simon Wiesenthal’s Museum of Tolerance, which pays homage to a group of extraordinary African American women who have shaped the spirit and substance of civil rights in America.
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